Support project outline

Location Upper Manya Krobo District, Eastern Region, Republic of Ghana
Target population 72,160 (direct beneficiaries: 30,668; indirect beneficiaries: 48,867)
* Direct beneficiaries partially overlap with indirect beneficiaries.
Term June 2023 to May 2026
Budget 24 million yen (first fiscal year)
Partner Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP), a public interest incorporated foundation

Project location

africa map
ghana map

Located in the West Africa, Ghana is a tropical country with hot and humid whether all year around.

The project site, the Eastern Region has the Lake Volta, and people sometimes need to travel 10 km or more to the opposite side of the lake, which may take two hours in some cases.  

It is also an area where traditional values are firmly in place.

Healthcare issues for mothers and children in Upper Manya Krobo District, (UMK District)

Distance to health facilities

10 to 20km

Community health facilities renting space in private houses to provide health services


Deliveries at health facilities


Treatment of diarrhea with oral rehydration solution (ORS)


※Figures for Ghana as a whole

Long-distance to the health center
Long-distance to the health center
Inadequate equipment for the delivery room
Inadequate equipment for the delivery room

Ghana’s maternal mortality rate is about 60 times higher than that of Japan※1. In the UMK District, the distance to a health facility is about 10 to 20 km, depending on the area. Improving access is a key issue. There are 41 clinics (CHPS※2), but more than half of them rent space in private houses to provide health services. Many pregnant women do not have health facilities nearby where they can deliver safely.

Water and sanitation are also major issues, with diarrheal diseases accounting for 25% of the deaths of children under the age of five in Ghana※3. Treatment with oral rehydration solution is not yet widespread.

  1. ※1
  2. ※2
    CHPS (Community-Based Health Planning and Services): Clinics that provide basic health care services
  3. ※3
    Binka E, Vermund SH, Armah GE (2011) Rotavirus as a cause of diarrhea among children under 5 years of age in urban Ghana: Prevalence and serotypes/genotypes. PaediatricInfectious Disease Journal 30: 718-730.
Health data (reference values)
Indicator Ghana※1 UMK District※2
Antenatal care coverage (four or more times) 85% 79.9%
Birth attended by skilled health personnel/Deliveries at health facilities 78% 45.2%
Exclusive breastfeeding 43% -
Full vaccination coverage 67.5% 85%
Cases of diarrhea among children under 1 year old (5 target sites) - 1,451 cases
Treatment of diarrhea with oral rehydration solution (ORS) 48%
  1. ※1
    UNFPA State of World Population 2020, UNICEF State of the World’s Children 2021
  2. ※2
    UMK District Health Department Statistics 2022
Health facilities targeted by this project in UMK District (6 facilities)

Description of activities

(1) Improvement of infrastructure (2) Education and sensitization (3) Enhancement of the community support system
Improvement of access to maternal and child health services
  • Construction of a maternity waiting house
  • Construction of a maternity ward
  • Construction of a new health facility (CHPS)
  • Maintenance of equipment and fixtures
  • Capacity building of healthcare workers
  • Training for healthcare workers on Mama Papa Class
  • Conduct a community participatory painting workshop
  • Conduct workshops on management for maternity waiting house
  • Develop communication materials (SRHR※1, diarrhea prevention and treatment, etc.) based on an SBCC※2 communication strategy
  • Strenthen commuity support network by the Community Health Management Committee members (regular meetings, community action plan, etc.)
  • Promoting income-generating activities in communities (farming, soap making, etc.)
Improvement of water hygiene
  • Ensuring hand-washing facilities with safe water and soap
  • Training for developing an SBCC strategy to communicate the methods for preventing and treating diarrhea of children
  • Develop health education materials based on an SBCC strategy
  • Training for new maternal and child health promoters and OTCM sellers
Improvement of nutritional status
  • Providing breastfeeding and nutrition education for parents or guardians of children
Improvement of access to quality healthcare services This project will improve the tangible factors of two health facilities with low physical accessibility. At Akateng Health Center, we will construct a maternity waiting house, for the first time in Ghana, to create an environment in which pregnant women can receive appropriate care until childbirth with peace of mind. Furthermore, we will also provide community-wide awareness education at six health facilities, targeting healthcare workers, maternal and child health promoters, OTCM sellers, youth peer educators, male partners of pregnant and breastfeeding women, and other family members. Through these efforts, we aim to improve the health of mothers and children.
Reduction of diarrhea among children We will prepare handwashing facilities with soap and safe water and provide health education and sensitization for community people, using educational materials on nutrition and prevention of childhood diarrhea. We aim to reduce diarrhea in children by enhancing the knowledge of community people.
  1. ※1
    Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
  2. ※2
    Social and Behaviour Change Communication

Activity report

Start-up meeting
Start-up meeting
Training for Maternal and Child Health (MCH) promoters
Training for Maternal and Child Health (MCH) promoters
Household visits by MCH promoters
Household visits by MCH promoters
Ghana's first maternity waiting house
Ghana's first maternity waiting house
Opening ceremony for a maternity waiting house
Opening ceremony for a maternity waiting house
Painting workshop held at a maternity waiting house
Painting workshop held at  a maternity waiting house