Based on the descriptions for occupational health and safety in the SHIONOGI Group EHS Policy and EHS Code of Conduct, we aim to achieve zero work-related fatal accidents, lost-time injuries, and work-related illnesses. We are continuously working to build an appropriate management system and improve the chemical substance management system, which poses a high risk for health and safety management in order to ensure the safety and health of our employees and create a comfortable working environment.


 In the SHIONOGI Group, a system is in place that allows the Corporate Executive Management Meeting to deliberate on its initiatives for the environment (“E”), health (“H”), and safety (“S”) before the Board of Directors makes final decisions about them. We have appointed the Senior Executive Officer in charge of EHS as a Corporate Officer who supervises overall EHS management in an integrated manner.


 The Corporate Officer in charge of EHS heads the SHIONOGI Group Companywide EHS Committee, which comprises representatives from the group’s respective operating sites, who are appointed as personnel in charge of EHS, and presidents from Group companies. The SHIONOGI Group Companywide EHS Committee sets targets for EHS, identifies Environmental Materiality, and conducts management reviews, thereby promoting EHS activities. See the section Governance for details.


The SHIONOGI Group uses ISO 45001 and in-house management systems established in conformity with them. The SHIONOGI Group’s EHS activities, including risk management, are reviewed as a whole once a year by the SHIONOGI Group Companywide EHS Committee to verify the efficacy and suitability of its EHS initiatives. Matters that have a major impact on management are deliberated by the Corporate Executive Management Meeting before final decisions are made by the Board of Directors.


The acquisition status of certification of our management systems is summarized in the table below. 

  Settsu Plant Kanegasaki Plant Tokushima Plant Itami Plant


Results (Past 5 years)

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 
Occupational accidents (cases) 8 15 4 7 4
Of which those resulting in lost-time injulies(cases)
0 6 1 1 1
Frequency rate※1 0.39 0.81 0.19 0.19 0.20
Severity rate※2 0.0029 0.018 0.0002 0.0046 0.0049
The numbers of accidents are those at Shionogi & Co., Ltd. alone, excluding accidents during commuting.
  1. ※1
    Frequency rate: Frequency of accidents; the number of employees killed or injured in occupational accidents per one million total working hours
  2. ※2
    Severity rate: Severity of accidents; the number of work days lost due to occupational accidents per one thousand total working hours

To prevent occupational accidents involving chemical substances and realize a safety-secured working environment, we pursue continuous improvement with a focus on the development of the safety data sheet (SDS)-based management system and the enhancement of guidelines concerning chemical hazards.


 In September 2022, a accident occurred in which one employee of a group company died due to a pressure door. The survey was conducted based on the procedures stipulated in the occupational health and safety management system and, SHIONOGI investigated all power door and shutter in all sites and installed safety devices on a part of doors and shutters with no safety system and implemented procedures to ensure the safe operation during opening and closing for preventing recurrence. 


 The SHIONOGI Group conducts audits of each operating site of the group and its suppliers using multiple approaches to check their EHS promotion status, as shown in the table below.

External audits

Conducted by external accreditation organizations to verify that the group’s ISO 45001-certified management systems are operated in conformity with the standards

Internal audits

In-house self-inspection required under ISO 45001 conducted to confirm system suitability and status of conformity

EHS audits

Conducted by the division that supervises the SHIONOGI Group’s EHS initiatives, as directed by the management team, separately from internal audits, to check whether EHS activities in the SHIONOGI Group are appropriately implemented and maintained in compliance with the management systems while pursing continuous improvement

EHS audits of suppliers

Audits of the SHIONOGI Group’s suppliers of raw materials, intermediates, APIs, products, etc. conducted in compliance with the PSCI Principles

Emergency preparedness

 The SHIONOGI Group Risk Management Policy stipulates that in the event of a crisis, we should place top priority on protecting human life and ensuring safety, promptly take measures to minimize damage and prevent recurrence, and continue business operations as principles of action. To respond to emergencies, such as earthquakes, pandemics, and corporate scandals, we have established emergency response guidelines and manuals with a focus on respect for human life, consideration for and contribution to local communities, and business continuity. In anticipation of emergencies, we have established communication and reporting systems and regularly carry out emergency responsiveness training and review response procedures. In FY2021, disaster drills were conducted at each operating site, following a simulated scenario of an earthquake-triggered fire or tsunami.


 In order to promote EHS activities, we believe it essential that individual employees be fully aware of environmental, health, and safety issues in connection with their own work and actively address them. In addition to EHS education for all employees, we provide environmental education and preliminary education related to operations with high environmental impact, such as waste management and the handling of chemical substances, at each operating site. We clearly inform employees of the targets and actual figures of CO2 emissions and waste generation so as to effectively motivate their involvement in EHS activities.


2021 Tokushima Prefectural Safety Contribution Award
Tokushima City Outstanding Employee Award
(Shionogi Pharma Tokushima Plant)

2021 Tokushima Prefectural Federation of Hazardous Materials Safety Association Person who has contributed to safety: Yoshio Fujiwara

 In 1992, Mr. Fujiwara acquired a Hazardous Materials Handler's License and have been engaged in work handling hazardous materials for many years. Currently, as the person responsible for handling small quantities of hazardous materials, he is actively working to strengthen the security management system, such as facility inspection management, and is contributing to the prevention of accidents caused by hazardous materials. In addition, as a group leader of the manufacturing department, he has become a role model in the workplace, and his achievements have been recognized.

2021 Tokushima City Hazardous Material Safety Association Outstanding employee: Tomoko Miyauchi

 Since joining the company, Ms. Miyauchi has been involved in the handling of hazardous materials in the production technology department, and has contributed to the prevention of accidents and leaks through the proper handling of hazardous materials.

2021 Tokushima Prefectural Federation of Hazardous Materials Safety Association Person / 2022 Tokushima City Hazardous Material Safety Association Outstanding employee